ÖKB – Waste Water Treatment Master Plan for Southern Moravia – Czech Republic

  • Best Practice Studies, International Market Studies,

After starting preparatory work for this project in 2000, getting municipalities interested in conducting a WWT – Master Plan, 55 municipalities expressed their interest in finding a solution for their waste water problem and establish an association for joint construction and operation of waste water treatment plants in the Southern region of Moravia in the Czech Republic. Most of them being municipalities with small settlements, the strongest barrier was the financial structure and the non-ability to get loans from financing institutions.

BLUESAVE advised the municipalities in founding the WWT-association and supported them with legal, financial and technical studies. The WWT – Master Plan is considered as a basis for the future project implementation (construction of waste water treatment plants and sewerage systems). The region includes the districts of Znojmo, Brno venkov and Breclav. These districts are neighboring Austria and are therewith neighboring EU-territory.

The potential outcomes of the project are:

  • higher standards of environmental protection in the region
  • enhanced regional productivity through large investments in the area
  • decreasing unemployment in the region through investment
  • most of investment stays in the region
  • environmental technology transfer towards the Czech Republic
  • institutional building for the existing water works and/or municipal administrative personnel involved in environmental issues
  • providing low cost fertilizer for agriculture through treated sludge from municipalities without industrial production

In late 2001 more than 30 municipalities have established a joint waste water association (to overcome investment and operation costs together) and were willing to participate in a master plan for their region in order to face the problem on a regional basis. The Austrian side is also very interested in an appropriate solution of the waste water problem in Southern Moravia: the creeks and rivers passing the above mentioned villages are all draining to the rivers “Thaya” and “March”, which are passing Austrian territory before entering the river Danube.

„Untreated waste water in rural, mostly agricultural areas is not only dreadful to rivers and groundwater; due to their re-cycling as irrigation or even drinking water, it enters the food chain and definitely will have an impact on human health and wellness, far beyond local areas. Finding solutions for underprivileged or less dense areas is therefore as necessary as clearing „hot spots‟.”

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